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Take the Pledge

Sign the pledge, help protect your community

Thank you for helping save lives, our economy and our jobs by becoming a vaccine ambassador. By signing this pledge you are helping us stop the spread of COVID-19 by convincing at least one other friend or family member to get vaccinated. Studies show that they will trust you above all others. It’s easy — just listen to their concerns and respond with the facts.

I pledge to save our economy.
To save our city.
To save our jobs.
To save lives.
I take the pledge. 
To listen.
To understand.
To give friends and loved ones the facts.
To change their world and ours for the better.
I take the pledge to convince just one person to get the vaccine.

Sign up here to take the pledge. Everyone can make a difference.

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Thank you for pledging to convince just one person to get the vaccine. You are the solution.

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